Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2008)



Monday, May 12, 2008


Marin Litoiu (IBM Canada), Holger Giese (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)


Keynote: Jeff Kephart, IBM Research, USA

Autonomic Middleware for Green Data Centers

Data center energy consumption is a major and growing concern worldwide. Among many alarming trends, half of all data centers are now suffering from insufficient power and cooling capacity, and power has recently become the second-highest operating cost. Moreover, data centers now account for over 5% of all global emissions of CO2. In response to these concerns, researchers are exploring a myriad of different methods for reducing power consumption at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. At the finest level of granularity, chip manufacturers are including processor controls that allow the processor frequency and voltage to be reduced for power savings. To a certain degree, these control knobs can be managed at the platform or operating system level based on performance counters, cpu utilization, and other low-level metrics.

In this talk, I explore the role that autonomic middleware can play in reducing energy consumption in data centers. Because the actual and desired application-level metrics are accessible at the middleware level, there are several opportunities for saving energy that are simply not available at the platform and OS levels. For example, middleware that is cognizant of performance-related Service Level Agreements can deliberately reduce the use of computational resources such that the desired performance levels are not overachieved, and less energy is consumed. I will describe several theoretical and experimental studies that demonstrate that, with the right algorithms and architecture, autonomic middleware can work either unilaterally or in concert with platform-level power control mechanisms to achieve significant energy savings. I will also discuss a potentially broader role for autonomic middleware that looks upward to the data center level, working in tandem with power distribution units and cooling units to intelligently manage resources to satisfy performance and availability objectives while saving energy.


Session 1. Papers

Chair: Betty Cheng (Michigan State University, USA)


From Goals to Components: A Combined Approach to Self-Management
D. Sykes, W. Heaven, J. Magee, J. Kramer (Imperial College, London, UK)


Towards Goal-Oriented Development of Self-Adaptive Systems
M. Morandini, L. Penserini, A. Perini (FBK-IRST, Trento, Italy)


Nutrition Break


Session 1. Papers
Requirements (...cont)

Session Chair: Betty Cheng (Michigan State University, USA)

30 min Discussion


Session 2: Papers

Chair: Rogerio de Lemos (University of Kent, UK)

Self-Healing by Means of Automatic Workarounds
A. Carzaniga, A. Gorla, M. Pezzè (University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Slicing for Model Reduction in Adaptive Embedded Systems Development
I. Schaefer, A. Poetzsch-Heffter (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)

30 min Discussion




Session 3. Papers

Session Chair: Jeff Magee (Imperial College, UK)

Modeling Collaborations with Dynamic Structural Adaptation in Mechatronic UML
S. Henkler, M. Hirsch, H. Giese (University of Paderborn, Germany)

Endogenous Versus Exogenous Self-Management
D. Weyns, R. Haesevoets, B. Van Eylen, A. Helleboogh, T. Holvoet, W. Joosen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

Component Engineering for Adaptive Ad-hoc Systems
C. Peper, D. Schneider (Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)

Towards Decentralized Self-adaptive Component-based Systems
L. Baresi, S. Guinea, G. Tamburrelli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

30 min Discussion


Nutrition Break


Session 4. Papers

Session Chair: Cristina Gacek (Newcastle University, UK)

Automating Discovery of Software Tuning Parameters
N. Brake, J. Cordy (Queen's University, Canada) E. Dancy, M. Litoiu, V. Popescu (IBM Toronto Lab, Canada)

Monitoring Multi-tier Clustered Systems with Invariant Metric Relationships Mohammad
A. Munawar, M. Jiang, P. Ward(University of Waterloo, Canada)

Monitoring in Adaptive Systems using Reflection
Dylan Dawson, Ron Desmarais, Holger M. Kienle, Hausi A. Müller

30 min Discussion


SEAMS 2008 Reception

Alte Nikolaischule

(A la Carte Menu or Buffet)




Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Keynote: Robert Baillargeon (General Motors, USA)

Automotive Adaptation: The Challenges of the Automotive Cyber-Physical System

The Automobile historically has had to adapt to many different modes of usage. However the modes of usage and optimization of operation of usage are largely handled by the most adaptable component of the vehicle ... the driver. As society and customer expectations change, more of the functionality of the future is dependant on self-adaptivity and self-management to support the evolution of vehicle capabilities. We look at what the capabilities of the future and the challenges to achievement to set a trajectory for the needs for self-managing systems and their underlying architectures for the vehicle domain.


Session 5. Papers
Adaptation Mechanisms

Chair: Richard Taylor (University of California, Irvine, USA)

Scheduling Time-bounded Dynamic Software Adaptation
S. Fritsch, A. Senart (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), D. C. Schmidt (Vanderbilt University, USA), S. Clarke (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

Runtime Adaptation in a Service-Oriented Component Model
F. Irmert, T. Fischer, K. Meyer-Wegener (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)



Nutrition Break


Session 6: Papers

Session Chair: Hausi Müller (University of Victoria, Canada)

Policy-Based Self-Adaptive Architectures: A Feasibility Study in the Robotics Domain
J. Georgas, R. Taylor (University of California, Irvine, USA)

Adaptivity at Every Layer -- A Modular Approach for Evolving Societies of Learning Autonomous Systems
W. Richert, B. Kleinjohann (University of Paderborn, Germany)

Friends or Foes? -- A Conceptual Analysis of Self-Adaptation and IT Change Management
C. Gacek (Newcastle University, UK), H. Giese (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany), E. Hadar (CA Labs, Israel)

An approach to adapt service requests to actual service interfaces
L. Cavallaro, E. Di Nitto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

30 min Discussion




Panel: A Research Road Map for Adaptive Systems
Session Chairs: Holger Giese (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany) and Rogerio de Lemos (University of Kent, UK) (Introduction)



Nutrition Break


Closing Session
Discussion, Outlook, and Closing Remarks
Session Chair: Marin Litoiu (IBM Canada) and Holger Giese (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)


Have a productive and fun ICSE!