Template for Model Problems

Please use the following template as a txt file to submit your model problem. We are currently hosting the model problem description including images, but not any further resources such as code. However, you may add links/references to these resources hosted elsewhere.

* Please, use the following template to submit your model problem.
* Items enclosed by the brackets { and } should be replaced by you.
* If you use links to external websites, just copy the URL to the 
  appropriate place.
* If you use images, send the images together with the template and
  just add a remark into the template, where the image (also which 
  one if you have more than one) should be placed.  

{name of your model problem}
{If needed, explanation of the name of your model problem, such as
explaining an acronym}

by <List of authors including URLs to their homepages>

{Problem description}

{Context title = problem relevance}
{Text establishing relevance for the problem}

{Challenge title = title for the engineering challenges}
{Text discussing the engineering challenges for self-adaptive systems}

{Sources title = (system) (re)sources provided for the problem}
{Text describing available sources of the system representing the model problem. Note: this should *not* be the solution.}

{One or more optional solutions to the model problem including 
(re)sources, references etc. of the solutions.}

Related Problems
{Optional list of other, related problems.}

{Optional section of bibliographical references for the model problem}