Modeling Collaborations in Self-Adaptive Systems of Systems–Terms, Characteristics, Requirements, and Scenarios (bibtex)
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Modeling Collaborations in Self-Adaptive Systems of Systems–Terms, Characteristics, Requirements, and Scenarios (Sebastian Wätzoldt, Holger Giese), Technical report 96, Hasso Plattner Institute at the University of Potsdam, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Wätzoldt, Sebastian and Giese, Holger},
TITLE = {{Modeling Collaborations in Self-Adaptive Systems of Systems--Terms, Characteristics, Requirements, and Scenarios}},
YEAR = {2015},
MONTH = {April},
NUMBER = {96},
INSTITUTION = {Hasso Plattner Institute at the University of Potsdam},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/Waetzoldt:2015ta_001.pdf},
OPTacc_pdf = {}
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