SDM Tools

Story Diagrams were presented by T. Fischer, J. Niere, L. Torunski and A. Zündorf in 1998. Story Diagrams combine UML Activity Diagrams with graph transformations. This allows to easily express pattern matching operations on the object graph of an application. Fujaba was the first CASE tool which supported so-called Story-Driven Modeling (SDM).

The SDM Tools provide a graphical editor for Story Diagrams as well as a model validation and an interpreter to execute Story Diagrams in Eclipse. Due to interpretation, Story Diagrams can be executed directly without prior code generation. This provides a higher flexibility. Story Diagrams can be generated at runtime and executed right away. In addition, we provide a visual debugger for Story Diagrams. Besides common debugging features, like state inspection and breakpoints, it also allows to modify the Story Diagram and its data, as well as step-back during debugging and undo side-effects.

The SDM Tools can be downloaded from our Eclipse update site:

Project Team


  • a graphical editor with model validation
  • an interpreter
  • a debugger

Supported Languages

  • Story Diagrams

Software Usage Scenarios:

Story Diagrams are used to execute graph transformations with control flow on EMF models. For example, MoTE generates Story Diagrams from TGG rules to perform the actual model transformations.


  • Markus von Detten, Christian Heinzemann, Marie Christin Platenius, Jan Rieke, Dietrich Travkin and Stephan Hildebrandt. Story Diagrams - Syntax and Semantics. Technical report, Software. 2012.
  • Sebastian Wätzoldt. Parallelisierungskonzepte und Synchronisationsmechanismen eines Interpreters für Storydiagramme. Mastersthesis, Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik, Universität Potsdam, 12 2010
  • Alexander Krasnogolowy. Entwurf und Implementierung eines Debuggers für Story-Diagramme. Mastersthesis, Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik, Universität Potsdam, 12 2010
  • Holger Giese and Stephan Hildebrandt and Andreas Seibel. Improved Flexibility and Scalability by Interpreting Story Diagrams. In Tiziana Magaria and Julia Padberg and Gabriele Taentzer, ed., Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2009), volume 18 2009. Electronic Communications of the EASST
  • Holger Giese and Stephan Hildebrandt and Andreas Seibel. Feature Report: Modeling and Interpreting EMF-based Story Diagrams. In Proceedings of the 7th International Fujaba Days, 2009.

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