
Welcome to the website on "Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems".

An increasingly important requirement for software-intensive systems is the ability to self-manage by adapting at runtime to handle such things as resource variability, changing user needs, and system intrusions or faults. Such a system must configure and reconfigure itself, continually tune and optimize itself, protect and recover itself while keeping its complexity hidden from the user. The topic of self-adaptive and self-managing systems has been studied in a variety of application areas, including autonomic computing, robotics, control systems, programming languages, software architectures, fault-tolerant computing, and biological computing.

This website provides information about software engineering for self-adaptive systems.

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ACM Transactions on Autonomous & Adaptive Systems (TAAS) welcomes high quality research work addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects related to complex autonomous systems. Queries to: taas-eic@acm.org or visit: taas.acm.org