Call for Participation – SEAMS 2020 Online Sessions

Call for Participation – SEAMS 2020 Online Sessions
Save the Dates: June 29th – July 3rd 2020

The organizing committee of the 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2020) is pleased to announce that the symposium will take place online, following the cancellation of the physical conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Join us to recognize the work of our authors and organizing committee!

Following the example of many other conferences [1], we will have live sessions, in the timeframe June 29th – July 3rd, according to the schedule below.

The sessions will start with a five-minute pitch presentation of each paper, after which the authors will answer questions about their work. The Q&A discussion will be moderated, and will cover both questions collected in advance and questions formulated during the session.

Registered participants will have online access to the SEAMS proceedings, and to pre-recorded video presentations of the research papers from each session. The pre-recorded presentations will be made available on the SEAMS YouTube channel [2] several days before the sessions.

Monday, June 29
        UTC 14:00-15:45 Opening and keynote session
        UTC 16:00-17:20 Session 1 - AI, Machine Learning and Statistics
Tuesday, June 30
        UTC 06:00-07:30 Session 2 - Testing, Analysis, Reasoning, and Monitoring
        UTC 14:00-15:30 Session 3 - Composition, Control and Trustworthiness
Wednesday, July 1
        UTC 14:00-15:15 Keynote session
        UTC 15:30-16:50 Session 4 – Applications
Thursday, July 2
        UTC 07:00-08:20 Session 5 - Design, Verification & Explainability
Friday, July 3
        UTC 14:00-15:20 Session 6 - Ethical Concerns of Self-Adaptive Systems
        UTC 15:30-16:00 Closing Remarks, Awards and SEAMS 2021 Presentation

Links to the videoconferencing platform used for the online sessions (Zoom) and for the live messaging (Slack) will be announced before the conference. The detailed program is available on the conference website:

As an ICSE “virtually collocated” event, the online SEAMS 2020 registration will follow the ICSE 2020 rules, which are detailed at:
In particular, the registration will open by June 10th and will close on June 25th, and the registration fee will be:
        Authors: 180,000 KRW [currency converter]
        Non-Authors: 30,000 KRW [currency converter]
Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting you during the online SEAMS 2020!

Shinichi Honiden, General Chair
Radu Calinescu and Elisabetta Di Nitto, Program Chairs
Tomas Bures, Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Genaina Rodrigues, Ezequiel Castellano, Raffaela Mirandola, Danny Weyns, Online Program Committee
