SEAMS 2021 Artifacts Added to the Exemplars Section

The following four artifacts accepted at SEAMS 2021 have been added to the exemplars section of this website:

All of these artifacts are available in the SEAMS community at

SEAMS 2021 – Call for Participation

SEAMS 2021 will run from Tue 18 - Fri 21 May 2021.

The program features two keynotes:

  • Jeffrey Kephart: Viewing Autonomic Computing through the Lens of Embodied Artificial Intelligence: A Self-Debate
  • Fiona Polack: Uncertain models of unknown realities: modelling and simulating complex biological systems

Moreover, high-quality papers on topics such as Self-Adaptation and Machine Learning, Cyber-Physical Systems , Decentralization and Distribution, Industry 4.0, Human in the Loop, Uncertainty and Fairness, Core Approaches for Self-adaptation will be presented.

  • 11 full research papers
  • 13 short research papers
  • 4 artifacts

Another highlight of the SEAMS 2021 program will be the community debate about the statement "handling unanticipated changes is the ultimate challenge for self-adaptation."

Check the SEAMS 2021 program and participate!