Software Architecture Group
Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld
Summer term 2024 (18 sws)
- AI in software engineering (MA, hpi)
- Mattis, Hirschfeld (4 sws)
- Rapid prototyping for educational games (MA, hpi)
- Krebs, Hirschfeld (4 sws)
- Software design (MA, hpi)
- Hirschfeld, Lincke, Taeumel, Ramson, Beckmann, Böhme, Geier (4 sws)
- Software engineering 1 (BA, hpi)
- Hirschfeld, Krebs, Taeumel, Lincke, Rein, Beckmann, Mattis, Ramson, Böhme, Geier (4 sws)
- Graduate school research seminar (FK, hpi)
- Polze, Hirschfeld (2 sws)
Past terms
All thesis and master's projects are closely related to our research activities. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Context-oriented programming
- End-user development and collaboration environments
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Meta-level architectures
- Software evolution
- Domain-specific languages
- Virtual machines
A list of selected project proposals is available here (internal). Come and talk to us...!
Bachelors program
- Advanced modularity
- Aspect tools for orchideo [BP]
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Blocks to the rescue [BP]
- Continuous integration in the cloud for everyone [BP]
- Digital pub life [BP]
- Ein lebendiges Schaufenster in die Geschichte(n) einer Region [BP]
- Evolving applications: object-migration with Ruby and GemStone [BP]
- Example-driven exploration of dynamically-typed programming environments [BP]
- Explorative authoring of active web content in a mobile environment [BP]
- Exploratory authoring of interactive content in a live environment [BP]
- Exploring provenance through programming [BP]
- History of programming languages
- Introduction to programming technology 1
- Programming language concepts
- Programming languages: design and implementation
- Programming models for data-intensive applications [BP]
- Rapid prototyping in game development
- Scripting objects for the Web [BP]
- Software architecture
- Software engineering 1
- Software modularity
- Sophie Server [BP]
- SqueakSVN [BP]
- The font engineering toolkit [BP]
- Tool support for collaborative creation of interactive storytelling media [BP]
- Touch programming for pictographic expression languages [BP]
- Tours and traps [BP]
- Wenn den Bildern die Worte fehlen [BP]
- XP Forums [BP]
- ((Requirements engineering))
- ((Software engineering 1
- ((Software engineering 2))
Masters program
- AI in software engineering
- Acceptability-oriented programming
- Advanced modularity
- Advanced programming tools
- Agile software development
- Building a programming system in and for virtual reality [MP]
- Building machine learning macro-services with GraalPy and Micronaut [MP]
- Code repository mining
- Context-oriented programming
- Design and implementation of a live programming tool set for heterogeneous simulations in Squeak/Smalltalk [MP]
- End-user development
- End-user programming
- Exploring visual primitives for authoring source code [MP]
- Future of programming
- Hardware acceleration for interactive, high-quality graphics in live programming environments [MP]
- IT enterprise architecture
- Interactive representations of data structures and algorithms
- Live programming
- Live programming systems
- Machine learning on code repositories
- Meta-programming and reflection
- Module systems
- Polyglott programming
- Programming experience
- Programming in virtual reality
- Programming language concepts, tools, and environments
- Rapid prototyping for educational games
- Reactive programming
- Reverse engineering
- Self-sustaining systems
- Software design
- Software development tools for polyglot programming [MP]
- Software transactional memory for R/Squeak-VM [MP]
- The reflective programmer [MP]
- Tool support for GraalVM Native Image [MP]
- Tools for game development
- Virtual execution environments
- Virtual machines
- Virtual machines and execution environments
- Visual abstractions for framework, tool, and language design
- ((Advanced UML and meta-modelling))
Graduate school
- Graduate school research seminar