Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Component Severity
#20 Auto-scrolling for new editors is buggy new Marcel Taeumel defect vivide major
#23 Place custom morphs onto the tape new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide normal
#24 Object-oriented transcript new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide normal
#25 Workspace as artifact new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide normal
#27 Integrate with SystemChangeNotifier new Marcel Taeumel enhancement Sight-Tagging block
#32 Tag references in CompiledMethods broken new Marcel Taeumel defect Sight-Tagging block
#50 Drag thumbnails of editors/artifacts new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide major
#51 No mouse clicks recognized in item view cells when editing new Marcel Taeumel defect Widgets major
#60 Integrate a test runner new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide major
#65 Reusing artifacts for new method broken new Marcel Taeumel defect vivide major
#72 Increase drag threshold in event handler new Marcel Taeumel defect Widgets normal
#73 Enhance focus on overpopulated tape new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide major
#78 CMD+w closes too much editors new Marcel Taeumel defect vivide minor
#79 #inspect #explore not integrated new Marcel Taeumel enhancement vivide major
#84 Show "where" operation in debugger new Marcel Taeumel defect vivide normal
#86 "Move method to class/instance side" feedback missing new Marcel Taeumel defect vivide normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.