Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Severity
#32 Tag references in CompiledMethods broken new Marcel Taeumel high Sight-Tagging block
#46 Catch errors on timestamp conversions in method versions new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide crash
#58 Debugger objects not reusable new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide crash
#20 Auto-scrolling for new editors is buggy new Marcel Taeumel high vivide major
#51 No mouse clicks recognized in item view cells when editing new Marcel Taeumel high Widgets major
#54 Edit mode in item views sometimes not finishable new Marcel Taeumel normal Widgets major
#65 Reusing artifacts for new method broken new Marcel Taeumel high vivide major
#81 CPU burns on mouseMove new Marcel Taeumel highest vivide major
#41 Evaluate text selection on CMD+o new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#42 Closing artifacts via toolbar leaves toolbar open new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#44 Objects on tape cannot be selected in locator new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#66 Wrapped signals broken new Marcel Taeumel normal Signals normal
#72 Increase drag threshold in event handler new Marcel Taeumel high Widgets normal
#84 Show "where" operation in debugger new Marcel Taeumel high vivide normal
#86 "Move method to class/instance side" feedback missing new Marcel Taeumel high vivide normal
#89 Copy & paste in query statements links contents new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#90 UiComboBox>>clear is broken reopened Marcel Taeumel normal Widgets normal
#78 CMD+w closes too much editors new Marcel Taeumel high vivide minor
#3 Morph rotation with Halos broken new Marcel Taeumel major Designer
#5 Registering new objects not atomic with follow-up operation new Bastian Steinert major SqSync
#12 Margins for widget container somehow unexpected new Marcel Taeumel lowest Designer
#14 Alpha Blending with Fillstyles (e.g., Gradients) does not work as expected new Marcel Taeumel minor Animations
#16 Gfx glitches with #outerBounds new Marcel Taeumel lowest Widgets
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.