Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Severity
#26 No references to CompiledMethod -> Use MethodReference instead new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide major
#31 Inconsistent storage of object list in objects bar new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#47 Refactor system change handling in artifact lists new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#48 Refactor system change handling in query editors new Marcel Taeumel normal vivide normal
#63 Tooltips in query editor control buttons new Marcel Taeumel low vivide trivial
#6 Intercept #basicNew for object registering new Bastian Steinert lowest SqSync
#7 New command for fetching single objects in a client new Bastian Steinert lowest SqSync
#8 Support UiStackedWidget code generation new Marcel Taeumel lowest Designer
#15 Use Macros (i.e., Pragmas) for "self emit." new Marcel Taeumel minor Signals
#17 Wrapping of #basicNew in subclasses is time-consuming new Marcel Taeumel critical MethodWrappers
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.