= DicThesaurusRex = This dictionary and thesaurus extension allows developers to benefit from spelling correction and synonym search. XXX = How to Install = Using Metacello, just run the following code in your workspace: {{{ (Installer mc http: 'http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/hirschfeld/squeaksource/') project: 'MetacelloRepository'; install: 'ConfigurationOfDicThesaurusRex'. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDicThesaurusRex) load. }}} After installation, please check if all test are running (category !DicThesaurusRex-Tests) = How to Use = = Acknowledgments = !DicThesaurusRex has been developed as part of the software engineering I course at the hasso-plattner-institute, university of Potsdam (summer term 2013). [[Image(media/icons/silk:user.png, title="Contributors", nolink)]] To date the following people contributed to this project: * Daniel Neuschäfer-Rube * Suhanyaa Nitkunanantharajah * Michael Perscheid * Jaqueline Pollak * Jakob Reschke