Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

AI And Social Good (Special Track)

Jeju 03.08.24 - 09.08.24

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)

Artificial intelligence allows for alternative ways to tackle collective challenges. In particular, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (see sdgs.un.org/goals) and the Leave No One Behind Principle (LNOB) (see unsdg.un.org/2030-agenda/universal-values/leave-no-one-behind) are an urgent call for action where the scientific community has an important role to play.

This special track is dedicated to research triggered by real-world key questions, is carried out in active collaboration with civil society stakeholders, and directs AI research towards the advancement of the UN SDGs and LNOB. The track focuses on AI research that aims to have a positive impact on current global and local challenges while strengthening the civil society-science-policy interface. Multidisciplinary research, including computer, social and natural sciences, as well as multilateral collaborations with non-profits, community organizations, entrepreneurs and governmental agencies, is, therefore, an essential characteristic of the submissions to this track.


Website: https://ijcai24.org/call-for-papers-and-projects-ai-and-social-good/


Christian Adriano is member of the Track Commitee at AI And Social Good Special Track