
Version 3 (modified by christoph.neijenhuis, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Relationships for Squeak

A framework that implements relationships as first class members of the language and extends the browser to support them.

You can define relationships between classes. The framework will automagically create responding methods that you can use. This is not only faster than implementing these methods yourself, it's also a lot easier to read and edit the relationship. Additionally, the generated methods maintain the relationship in a consistent state which prevents common bugs manual implementations of bidirectional relationships.

The framework was inspired by relational databases and ORM mappers.

How to Install


When checking out from Monticello, an additional instance variable is added to Class, causing a lenghty recompile. You probably want to do this on a new image.

To open the browser that supports relationships, you need to do: RelationshipBrowser open

How to Use

When editing relationships, use the relationship browser: RelationshipBrowser open

I'll use a simple example to illustrate the use of this framework: We have a class Artist and a class Artwork. Artists can create many artworks, but an artwork can only have a single artist. We therefore have a one to many relationship between artist and artwork.

Create a relationship

In the relationship browser, select the Artist class and click on the relationship symbol: -->

In the category menu, select OneToMany. As you can see, there is a template for a OneToManyRelationship in the edit pane. Simply add the Artwork class as the right class and save. The new relationship has been created.

If you go back to the instance view, you can see that Artist does now have the methods addArtwork:, artworks and removeArtwork. Artwork has the method artist.

Edit a relationship

Assume we have found out that sometimes, multiple artists collaborate to create an artwork.

Go back to the relationship view (use -->) and select the existing relationship. The edit pane is filled with the previous values. To create a many to many relationship, replace OneToManyRelationship with ManyToManyRelationship. Hit save and look at the newly generated methods.

Assume all artworks in this relationships are paintings. We don't want to create a new subclass for this, but change the name used in the methods.

Select the existing relationship and add a name for the right class: rightClassName: 'painting' and save. The methods will be renamed.

Known limitations

The relationships are not added to monticello when saved (however, the generated methods and instance variables are - your code still works).

How to Extend

Internal documentation. Show models, explain the architecture. Do anything that may help a new developer to extend this project.


To date the following contributors:

  • Christoph Neijenhuis

Attachments (2)

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