Opened 12 years ago

#31 new task

Inconsistent storage of object list in objects bar

Reported by: marcel.taeumel Owned by: Marcel Taeumel
Priority: normal Component: vivide
Severity: normal Keywords:


Dropping single objects into the objects bar stores references to these objects. Dragging them on the tape raises the "browse/edit" question.

Dropping lists of objects creates the state of an artifact list editor. Dragging them on the tape just loads this editor.

Mabye lists of objects should also raise the "browse/edit" question on dropping.

Attachments (1)

card120913no08.jpeg (26.3 KB ) - added by marcel.taeumel 12 years ago.

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Change History (1)

by marcel.taeumel, 12 years ago

Attachment: card120913no08.jpeg added
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