Opened 14 years ago

#5 new defect

Registering new objects not atomic with follow-up operation

Reported by: marcel.taeumel Owned by: Bastian Steinert
Priority: major Component: SqSync
Severity: Keywords:


When adding new domain objects to the model graph, two commands will be sent over the wire:

  1. SyRegisterCommand
  2. SyApplyCommand

As new objects need to be added with the help of an already added domain object (e.g., the root object) using one of its methods, a client may garbage collect the newly registered objects occasionally if the SyApplyCommand was not processed/received in time.

In that case, the SyApplyCommand will fail as the argument which contains a reference to a registered object (i.e., a UUID) cannot be found locally. The client needs to be restarted in that case.

Idea: Handle either garbage-collection or the process of adding new domain objects differently.

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