The report from the GI Dagstuhl Seminar 14433 has been published and it is available online:
Report from the GI Dagstuhl Seminar 14433: Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems edited by Thomas Vogel, Matthias Tichy, and Alessandra Gorla.
Abstract: Nowadays, software has become a key feature and driver for innovation of a wide range of products and services such as business applications, vehicles, or devices in various domains such as transportation, communication, energy, production, or health. Consequently, our daily lives highly depend on such software-intensive systems. This results in complex systems, which is even more stressed by integrating them to systems-of-systems or cyber-physical systems such as smart cities. Therefore, innovative ways of developing, deploying, maintaining, and evolving such software-intensive systems are required. In this direction, one promising stream of software engineering research is self-adaptation. Engineering self-adaptive systems is an open research challenge, particularly, for software engineering since it is usually software that controls the self-adaptation. This GI-Dagstuhl seminar focused on software engineering aspects of building self-adaptive systems cost-effectively and in a systematic and predictable manner. This includes typical software engineering disciplines such as requirements engineering, modeling, architecture, middleware, design, analysis, testing, validation, and verification as well as software evolution.